Pengertian dan Contoh Spoof Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Bagaimana kabar kalian? Semoga sehat-sehat saja ya.. Amin.. :)
Kali ini saya akan posting tentang Pengertian dan Contoh Spoof Bahasa Inggris.

Pengertian Spoof Text adalah Cerita yang menceritakan dengan akhir yang lucu.
Pelajaran Spoof sendiri saya dapatkan ketika di SMA Kelas 2 Semester 2. Oke, ini dia Contoh spoof bahasa Inggris

spoof text bahasa indonesia

Contoh 1 :
Buy food in KFC (King Fried Chicken)

   One day, there was a crazy man who wanted buying some food in KFC. Buyer wanted to buying chicken and rice. "The waiter, I asked chicken and rice, quickly." said crazy man. "Oke sir, wait a minute." said the waiter.
   But suddenly, crazy man stopped the waiter. "stop...stop...stop... the chicken must be parted, okey?" said crazy man. Then, the waiter answered "Why sir?". I'm afraid the rice was eaten by the chicken.
   The waiter "/?>,.'-=+??}?#%$@*^?"
(M. Ryan Widyantono)

Contoh 2 :
Joko is a stupid boy

   In a village lived a boy named Joko, he lived with his mother. In a afternoon Joko go to the river, he saw a chicken that was floating in the river trying to reach the end Joko. Joko grab it turns out the chicken after it stink then Joko throw it into the river again. Joko went home and talked to his mother "Mom, i saw there was a chicken in the river smelled so bad."  "Yes son, anyway if something smells it, that means it's dead." replied him mother.
   Soon, Joko mother's fart and release an unpleasant smell because the fart Joko think him mother is dead and Joko wanted to push her into the river, Soon it turns Joko also fart finally he dropped into the river. Joko and the river swept away when he saw a mango tree with much mangoes. second later there was a big stone and hit Joko's head. And Joko said "In fact dead is not nice."
(Alya Azhari)

Sekian dulu posting tentang Pengertian dan Contoh Spoof Bahasa Inggris
semoga bermanfaat !!! :)

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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8 Responses to "Pengertian dan Contoh Spoof Bahasa Inggris"

  1. menarik artikelnya gan buat tugas sekolah

  2. Oke gan.. Semoga bermanfaat :) :D

  3. ohhh gitu yah gan, bener kata kang Izaya bagus untuk artikel tugas sekolah

  4. izin copas gan buat tugas bahasa Inggris,, thanks yaa udah di share,,

    koment back yaa

  5. mantap gan :D, nanti kapan-kapan bahasa arab lagi :v

  6. mantap bro nice post.. Wah saya kurang mengerti dengan bahasa inggris...Agak bingung ngebacanya.. tapi infonya sangat bermanfaat
